
My journey in the world of CTF as n00b

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I study Computer Engineering at Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), I really enjoy everything that involves out-of-box thinking. My dream job would be Vulnerability Researcher, searching for bugs is so cool especially if they spawn a root shell or escape browsers or vitual machines… (but for now I am stil learning!)

A cool or stupid fact about me (judge yourself) I actually love math especially Linear Algebra

What are my current abilities?

I can work in C and Python, but I can read asm. Most of the time you will see me debugging stuff or exploiting or maybe both especially on gdb (pwndbg actually!), but I am also learning how to debug windbg. I am learning how to write fuzzers with libfuzzer actually, and after I finally learned rust I will learn also LibAfl.

In a hacking and CTF context I feel more comfortable with Binary Exploitation (cuz spawning a shell is kinda cool :) !): but I never lose the opportunity to learn something concerning the other categories like Sandbox Escape, Crypto and Reverse Engineering. In my free time I enjoy learning on sites like pwn.college, ret2 wargame or play some challenges of old ctf. Also every weekend I try to play CTFs with my Academic Team Hackappatoi.

I’m really available to collaborate and work with someone! Every experience is precious! So if you want to ask me anything or to propose any project just contact me.